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Yvonne Kroese


Yvonne Kroese, visual artist, studied at the Academy of Industrial Design and then at the Academy of Visual Arts in Arnhem. Since then, Yvonne has been working in the visual sector in a very broad sense. She has worked as a set designer, art director and animator for broadcasters VPRO and NTR, NPO, FIOD, Kunstinzicht Utrecht and many others. As an illustrator she works for the magazine Vrij Nederland, Opzij, newspaper NRC, and her illustrations can regularly be found in Dutch newspaper Volkskrant. Together with animator Maurice van der Bij she founded Crispy Clips in 2013 and with Réne Gast for a year later Wallstories, in which they work together on storytelling projects for public or private spaces. Yvonne is a guest teacher at various art academies and a jury member for various festivals.