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César & Techniques Trophy 2011

© Martyna Pawlak - ENS Louis Lumière pour l'Académie des César 2011

The César & Techniques Trophy rewards a company in the technical film industry in France, for its ability to highlight an event or development strategy that is particularly synergistic with the film industry, or a particular contribution to film creation during the past year.

© R. Champalaune - ENS Louis Lumière pour l'Académie des César 2011

The winner

ARCHIPEL PRODUCTIONS, represented by Julien Cloquet, Dominique Dalmasso, Jean Umansky, Dominique Vieillard, Gilles Benardeau, Christine Viau, Pierre-Yves Gauthier and Florian Thiebaux, was awarded the first César & Techniques Trophy, following a vote by all the technicians eligible for one of the five 2019 Technical Césars and the 233 production and post-production directors of the films eligible for the 2011 César for Best Film.


© R. Champalaune - ENS Louis Lumière pour l'Académie des César 2011

Voting process

The Technical Industries Committee makes a pre-selection of French technical services companies from among all those that have worked on at least one of the films eligible for the César for Best Film and have responded to the call for applications sent to them.
The winning company is then elected by all the technicians eligible for the five Technical Césars of the year as well as by the production and post-production directors of the films eligible for the César for Best Film.
Voting is carried out by secure electronic means, under the control of a bailiff, open at the end of December and closed at 7pm on the day of the César & Techniques Evening.

The committee

It pre-selects the French technical services companies that will compete for the César & Techniques Trophy, from among all those that have worked on at least one of the films eligible for the César for Best Film and have responded to the calls for applications that have been sent to all of these companies.