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The rules

Adjusted criteria

Temporary adjustment of the criteria for membership
of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Techniques

Applications to be sent before 15 October 2021

College of Actors

> Persons who have contributed as an actress or actor in roles n°1 to n°10 during the five years preceding their application for admission to at least five feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”.

> Persons who have been selected as Revelations by the Revelations Committee of the Academy in the 10 years preceding the application for admission and who have had a significant new role (roles n°1 to n°5) in the last five years.

College of Directors :

> Those who have made at least two feature films (live action) in the ten years prior to their application for admission:

-at least two feature films (live action), at least one of which was released in the last five years

-at least one feature film (animation);

eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”.

> Persons who have made their first feature film and whose film has received at least one César nomination, all categories included, during the five years preceding their application.

> Persons under 35 years of age who have directed at least one feature film that has been admitted to compete for the “César for Best Film”.

> Persons who have made at least one short film in the three years preceding their application for admission, which has been pre-selected by the César selection committees for short films (in live action for the “César for Best Short Film” or in animation for the “César for Best Animated Film (short film)”).

College of Authors :

> Persons who have contributed as screenwriters, co-screenwriters, dialogue writers during the ten years preceding their application, to the writing of at least two feature films admitted to compete for the “César for Best Film”, including at least one in the last five years.

> Persons under 35 years of age who have contributed as (principal) screenwriter to at least one feature film that has been nominated for the “César for Best Film”.

> Persons who have contributed as graphic designers (registered with the RCA) during the ten years preceding their application to the graphic design of at least two feature-length animated films admitted to compete for the “César for Best Film”, including at least one in the last five years.

> Persons who have contributed as music composers during the ten years preceding their application to the writing of original music for at least two feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”, including at least one in the last five years.

> Persons who have contributed as music composers during the five years preceding their application to the writing of original music for at least three short films eligible to compete for the “César for the Best Short Film” or the “César for the Best Animated Film (short film)”, including at least one film that has been pre-selected by one of the Academy’s Committees and that has received music funding from SACEM, the CNC or the Maison du Film Court (all applications must be accompanied by the music cue-sheet and music funding certification).

College of Technicians :

> Persons who have contributed, during the five years preceding their application, to the making of at least three feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”, in one of the following positions

  • Casting Director (credited in the credits) ;
  • First Assistant Director;
  • Production Manager, Post Production Manager, Production Administrator or Music Supervisor;
  • Stage Manager;
  • Director of Photography, Cameraman, Steadicam Cameraman;
  • Head of Set Design, Set Designer, Props Designer;
  • Head Sound Operator or Assistant Sound Operator (Boom Operator);
  • Chief Editor;
  • Chief Make-up Artist;
  • Chief Mixer;
  • Head of Costume Design or Costume Designer;
  • Head Hairstylist;
  • Scripte, Storyboarder ;
  • Sound engineer ;
  • Head Machinist ;
  • Head Electrician;
  • Chief Film Music Editor ;
  • Chief Film Music Mixer;
  • Film music orchestrator (credited as such in the credits).

> Persons who have contributed, during the five years preceding their application, to the making of at least six feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”, in one of the following “assistant” positions, including one film as “head of station”:

  • First Assistant Cinematographer ;
  • First Assistant Set Designer;
  • First Assistant Editor;

> Persons who have contributed, during the ten years preceding their application, to the making of at least two feature-length animated films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”, including at least one in the last five years, in one of the following positions (credited as head of position in the credits):

  • Head of Compositing ;
  • Head of Characters ;
  • Head of Lay-Out;
  • Director of Animation;
  • Art Director.

> Persons who have contributed, during the five years preceding their application, to the making of at least two feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”, in one of the following positions

  • Chief Make-up Artist assigned to Special Effects ;
  • Special Effects Producer;
  • Head Truquist or Special Effects Supervisor (VFX).

For any function not listed above, which may nevertheless be considered as “head of post”, exemptions may be granted to persons who have held this function during the five years preceding their application for admission on a number equal to or greater than five feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”.

College of Producers :

> Managers, Presidents or General Managers of French feature film and/or short film production companies who have participated as Line Producers, during the five years preceding the year of their application, in the production of :

  • either two feature films eligible for the “César for Best Film” award
  • or five short films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Short Film”;
  • or three animated short films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Animated Film (short film)”.

> Managers, Presidents or General Managers of French feature film production companies who have participated as Executive Producer in the production of two feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Animated Film” in the ten years preceding the year of their application, including at least one in the last five years;

> Managers, Presidents or General Managers of French feature film production companies who have participated as co-producers, during the five years preceding the year of their application, in the production of five feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”.

College of Distributors and Exporters :

> Managers, Presidents, General Managers, Distribution Managers or Programming Managers (Paris or Province), Marketing Managers, Sales Managers in a French distribution company (analogue or digital), or in a film export company, or in a company that has distributed films in theatres, during the three years preceding the year of application, at least three feature films eligible for the “César for Best Film”, or holding other marketing mandates for at least five feature films eligible for the “César for Best Film” during the five years preceding the application.

College of Technical Industries :

Managers, Presidents or General Managers of a French technical service company having contributed, during the three years preceding the application for admission, to the production of at least five feature films eligible to compete for the “César for Best Film”.

College of Artists and Press Officers :

Artistic Agents exclusively representing at least three members of the Academy at the date of the application for admission; or Independent Press Officers or heads of a press department in a distribution company, having contributed as Press Officer France, during the three years preceding the application for admission, to the promotion of at least five feature films admitted to compete for the “Best Film Award”.

College of Cinema Operators :

Cinema operators as well as persons occupying the following functions (within the limit of 50 new persons per year):

  • Managers of cinemas who have been in post for at least 3 years and whose application is accompanied by a certificate from the manager;
  • The Presidents and General Delegates of the professional unions of the cinema exhibition sector;
  • The representative members of the professional branches, including in particular representatives of the large, medium and small exhibition, as well as representatives of the “Art et essai” branch;
  • The members of the Federation’s commissions.