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The Academy

How to become a Member

The members of the Academy

Who are they?

They are professionals from the French film industry, divided into nine “trade” colleges. In addition, there are personalities whose work supports the influence and dynamism of cinema in France, gathered in a tenth college of “associate members”.
Membership of the Academy is lost only for the following three reasons: by resignation, for judicial conviction for piracy of the DVD box set or for non-payment of the membership fee for three consecutive years.

What is their role?

Each year, the members of the Academy distinguish, by their votes, the artists and technicians who participated in films released in cinemas between 1 January and 31 December of the previous year, by awarding them the “César” of the 21 categories presented at the Ceremony.

When is the list of members drawn up?

The list of members is updated every year at the Academy’s Board of Directors meeting in November.

How many members does the Academy have?

As of November 4, 2019, the Academy had 4680 members, of which 4313 were voting members (up to date with their dues).

Can we know the list of the members of the Academy?

No. In order to avoid any direct contact between the beneficiaries and the members of the Academy and consequently to preserve perfect equity, the list of members is strictly confidential.

The nine trade colleges

The members of the Academy, professionals of the French film industry, are divided into nine trade colleges:

  • Actors
  • Directors
  • Authors
  • Technicians
  • Producers
  • Distributors/Exporters
  • Technical Industries
  • Artistic Agents/Publicists/Casting Directors
  • Film exhibitors

All these members, up to date with their annual dues, can vote for all 21 César categories.

The associated members college
  • This college gathers personalities, professional or non-professional, who have distinguished themselves by their action in favour of Cinema, and who have wished to become a member of the Academy of Cinema Arts and Techniques.
    In the same way as the members of the nine trade colleges, associate members, up to date with their annual dues, can vote for all 21 César categories.

Distribution of the members in the different colleges

As of November 4, 2019, the distribution of the 4680 members of the Academy according to their college is as follows:

  • Members admitted to the Actors college: 629 > 14 %.
  • Members admitted to the Directors college: 767 > 16%.
  • Members admitted to the Authors college: 240 > 5%.
  • Members admitted to the Technicians college: 1420 > 30%.
  • Members admitted to the Producers college: 726 > 16%.
  • Members admitted to the Distributors & Exporters college: 139 > 3%.
  • Members admitted to the Technical Industries college: 57 > 1%.
  • Members admitted to the Artistic Agents / Publicists / Casting Directors college: 235 > 5 %.
  • Members admitted to the Film Exhibitors college: 286 > 6%.
  • Members admitted to the college of so-called “Associate Members”: 181 > 4 %.
Joining one of the nine trade colleges

Application process

If you are a professional working in the film industry in France and would like to become a member of the Academy of Cinema Arts and Techniques in one of the nine trade colleges, and thus take part in the vote for the attribution of “César”,

  • You have to check that you meet the conditions defined by the “Rules of the Academy” according to the professional category to which you belong;
  • Then send to the address below:
Académie des Arts et Techniques du Cinéma
Service des adhésions
11 rue de l’Avre
75015 Paris – France

A letter of application (please include your home address, e-mail address, a telephone number where you can be reached and the college you are applying for);

Two letters of sponsorship from members of the Academy, regardless of the college to which they belong, attesting to your profession;

A filmography listing the films released in theatres in the last 5 years, and for which you have been credited to the profession you are applying for (please indicate the release dates of the films you have collaborated on). The release date of each film is taken into account, not the year of production).

Joining the Associate Members college

Application process

If you wish to join the Academy as an Associate Member, you must first submit your application to the President or one of the two Secretaries General of the Academy, who alone are entitled to present your application to the Academy Board. Your request may be made by any means at your convenience, and accompanied by any information you deem useful. Written requests may be sent to the Academy’s secretariat, which will forward them to the recipient of the request.


Responses to applications

All applications for all colleges (trade or associates) are reviewed once a year by the Academy Board at the beginning of November. Responses are given by mail before November 30. The decisions of the Board are sovereign and are not subject to appeal. Any application may be submitted as many times as the applicant wishes.


Can I apply to be a member for the 2021 César?

You can now submit your request until October 15, 2020, for the next session.